Des personnes sur scène regroupées autour d'un jeune en fauteuil roulant tenant un microphone

Wesch Side Story

In a thrilling atmosphere, get ready to plunge into the vibrant world of the "Wesch Side Story" hip-hop show! Created from A to Z by talented young people, the last edition was a sensation, and we're delighted to announce an even more breathtaking new edition, starting in June and running until November 2024.


  • All participants

Time period

September - November 2023 & June- November 2024


Bâtiment 4

Supported by

Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, André Losch Fondation.

Bookings are now open for the performance of Wesch Side Story at the Rockhal in Esch-sur-Alzette! On 5 November at the Rockhal, come and discover ‘Wesch Side Story’, a show featuring a group of young people passionate about hip-hop culture. After months of training, these talented youngsters are going to impress you with their live dance, rap and even graffiti performances! Under the artistic direction of David Galassi and Sylvia Camarda, these young people have shown great creativity to give you a magnificent performance. Wesch Side Story is much more than just a show: it's a complete immersion in the world of hip-hop, with energy and passion to spare. So book your tickets now to make sure you don't miss this moment where dance, rap and street art come together for one show!


For performances at CAPE (high school performances only) on 26.11 at 10am, you can book directly by emailing! 


The Esch youth center, young people from the Esch welcome center and Soleuvre have already signed up to take part in our inclusive project "Wesch Side Story", the new edition.

From June to July, and then from September to October, they will give free rein to their overflowing imaginations to share their daily lives and their wildest dreams: dance, rap, beatmaking, graffiti…


Under the artistic direction of David Galassi and Sylvia Camarda, assisted by Luka Tonnar, Thomas MacLloyd and Claudia Urhausen, these young talents will be guided in their creative process and taught the most advanced techniques.


The grand closing evening in November promises to be an unforgettable moment when passion and talent meet on stage to ignite the audience with joy!


Would you like to join this exciting adventure? Please fill in the form!

You can already reserve your tickets on Rockhal's website! 

Link below 

Planning des workshops


Join the next edition!


The project will be an opportunity for participants to put their emotions into motion with original choreographies, to give rhythm to their messages with their own compositions and to draw their desires with digital spray paint cans. Accompanied by David Galassi and Sylvia Camarda as artistic directors, Luka Tonnar, Thomas MacLloyd and Claudia Urhausen will help the young people with the creative process and guide them through the various techniques of dance, rap, beatmaking and graffiti.

The project will end with a performance at the Philharmonie Luxembourg's Espace Découverte on 21 November at 7pm.

"Ech hat gester de Privilege e vun Äre ennerstëtzte Kulturprojëe „Wesch Side Story“ fum Escher Jugendhaus ze erliewen an der Philharmonie. Et ass fir mech wichteg Unerkennng fir dëse bemierkenswäerte Projëe auszedrecken. D’Performance, déi vu professionelle Kënschter:  d’Syvia, David, Thomas, Luca an Claudia, vu Jugendlecher vum Escher Jugendhaus begleet hunn, war fir mech een inklusiv, kreativ an inspiréierend Erliefnes. 

Et war kloer ze bemierken wéi déi Jonk net nëmmen duerch Är an den Kënstler hir Ennerstetzung, resilient an individuell gestäerkt hunn mee och  d’Dynamik op der Bühn war faszinéierend an hued de Publikum an eng Welt geholl, déi duerch Athentizitéit geprägt huet. Et war beandrockend ze gesinn, wéi déi Jonk hir Perséinlechkeet duerch Theater, Musek an Danz konnten entwéckelen. Esou Projëe si wäertvoll fir d’Entwécklung vu jonke Leit an hëllefen eng inklusiv Kultrur ze förderen, déi Platz fir Selbstentwécklung schaaft. 

Ech sinn dankbar fir dëst inspiréierend an nostalgech Event gesin ze hunn. An der Vergangenheet hunn ech un ähnlechen Projëe deelgehol mam Sylvia, David an Claudia a kann aus menger Erfahrung sohen wéi empowerend a resilient esou Erfahrunge kënne sinn."

– Jessica Costa Gomes

Supported by

Logotype Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
André Losch Foundation logo