Time period
October 2016
Around thirty mentally handicapped people from various institutions are waiting in the Foyer de la Philharmonie. The door opens and the soft, melodious sounds of a violin fill the room. A cello and xylophone take up the melody as the audience settles in. On a large screen, summer flowers light up the room. The magic is already happening…
A strange creature, reminiscent of Fifi Longstocking, sits on a bed of multicoloured flowers in the centre of the room, talking about a warm summer's day. She is accompanied by a singer who greets the audience with music and a wonderfully warm voice. Storyteller and singer fan themselves – it's really hot. The violin sings with the lightness of a lark, the drum tells summer stories and the air is filled with the scent of roses. Can you smell it? This time, the audience is wide awake. A gentle kiss is blown on a rose… The warmth of this summer's day is palpable.

Schwuppdiwupp! Autumn arrives with the Schueberfouer. Everyone in the audience claps their hands and sings Et ass Kiirmes am Duerf. The leaves are falling, the potatoes need to be harvested and the apples picked. Along the Moselle, it's harvest time – and tasting time, of course. The public sing along to Kättche Kättche, and in the front row the beat is energetic. The birds are migrating, and on the big screen you can see a swarm of cranes calling out their characteristic call.
But Schwuppdiwupp! The first rains arrive, the air becomes damp and cold, All Saints' Day is upon us. The wind whistles, the first snowflakes fall and cover the landscape with a magnificent white carpet, while a soft white blanket spreads over the spectators. Winter is here, with all its magic and unique moments. Children's eyes sparkle, candles burn and time seems to stand still. St Nicholas arrives, greeted by the sound of Léiwe Kleeschen, gudde Kleeschen. Léiwer Härgottsblieschen and the Klibberlidd take the audience back to childhood.
The days are getting longer, nature is waking up and the birds are chirping in our ears. Thanks to the magical power of the Schwuppdiwupp song, spring arrives even faster. The Octave market, the dancing procession and Easter are just around the corner… until summer returns. Everything starts all over again. The musicians, singers and storytellers bid farewell to the audience with magical soap bubbles, reminding them for the road ahead: "Do with the world what you please!" … well an eise Gedanken, Erënnerungen a Wënsch ass ëmmer alles méiglech.
The project is being carried out in collaboration with elisabeth asbl.
See also
For 'People with specific needs' & 'Elderly people'