Des personnes avec des déambulateurs sur scène

Mäin Liewen, Mäin Danz

"Meeting, expressing, talking about oneself and one's experience through dance"


  • Elderly people
  • Disadvantaged people

Time period

September - December 2019

Supported by

André Losch Fondation.

Since September, the Fondation EME has been offering dance workshops for older people in two nursing homes. During the project, in October to be precise, young people from different foyers of Elisabeth Asbl join in and take part in the rehearsals. Each young person then forms a couple with an older person. In this way, young people are encouraged to take on responsibility in a playful way.

In the first sessions, all participants are asked to share their experiences of how they see the world, the new generations and life in general. From these discussions, the choreographer creates a dance performance that reflects their opinions, dreams, past and future.

On 20 and 21 December, the two generations will perform a dance show together in the Espace Découverte of the Philharmonie.