All Together Miselerland & Mëllerdall
Time period
March- July 2025
Zitha Consdorf - Institut Saint Joseph Betzdorf - Servior-Jousefshaus Remich
Supported by
LEADER Mëllerdall, LEADER Miselerland.
Project co-financed under LEADER 2023–2029 by:

Inclusive choirs
All Together is expanding in two regions
Inspired by the 15-year-old All Together project, the aim is to create inclusive choirs in two different regions, Miselerland and Mellerdall, and to organise a concert in every institution. These choirs, based in institutions, are open to everyone. The initiative aims to make choral singing accessible to the most vulnerable groups, particularly those living in institutions. It offers a unique opportunity to join a choir open to the general public and take an active part in a concert.
Supported by

See also
For 'People with specific needs' & 'Elderly people' & 'Disadvantaged people' & 'People with a medical condition'